Lucy Donnell is a Scottish textile designer. We love working with Lucy, she is the brilliant mind behind some of our favourite snoods & headbands. As we endeavour to always keep you in the know about where your products are made, here is a few questions with Lucy to bring her brand to life!
How long ago did you start your brand?
I set up the business at the end of 2013 and began trading in January 2014.
Have you always had a background in textiles/designing?
After school, I completed a portfolio preparation course which led me to study Textile Design at The Glasgow School of Art. During this course, I went on to specialise in Knitted Textile Design. After completing my degree I bought a knitting machine to keep up my personal practice while I gained experience working in independent retail, heritage, as a tutor and also within a small knitwear company.
Where did you get started with your brand?
I researched and planned for much of 2013, and received advice from really helpful organisations such as Prince’s Scottish Youth Business Trust, Business Gateway and Cultural Enterprise. Towards the end of the year I was able to finance my start up and had finalised my product range. I set up my website and then attended my first trade show in January 2014.
What inspires you to create your products?
Scotland has a great history of producing textiles and an international reputation for high quality knitwear. It’s fantastic to support and capitalise on the skills and resources we have here, and I feel passionately about the ethical and sustainable production of textiles.
What’s your thought process when choosing colours/styles etc?
My design collection is based largely around colour, and draws inspiration directly from the beautiful harbours and seascapes of the West Coast of Scotland. The idea is that each item, to wear or have in your home, is soft, comforting, bold and vibrant, with a sense of the Scottish coast.
Where are your products made? What materials do you use?
I work with professional knitters in the Scottish Borders, who produce each item on a hand framed knitting machine. Every product is knitted from 100% finest lambswool, which is spun and dyed here in the UK. I have also carefully sourced UK-made cushion pads with ethical European duck feather, and German-made recyclable hot water bottles to complete my collection.
What’s your personal favourite in the collection and why?
It’s a little hard to choose, but I think I’d have to say at the moment my favourite is the Hot Water Bottle. I have one of my own in the Campbeltown colour-way and it has brought such comfort to me over the past few years, where I probably use it for around 8 months out of 12! It’s very soft and just looks so bright and cheery around the house.
What do you hope people will enjoy the most about your products?
Each product is made to a high quality and is made to last. I hope that people really enjoy using their accessories again and again over the years, and feel comfort in the soft, warm fibres and vibrant colours.

You can find Lucy's Skye & Iona Snoods
You can find Lucy's Skye & Iona Headbands